Writers’ Conference Etiquette

My friend Jeff Kleinman at Foliolit has an informative post about how writers should act at writers’ conferences (at least in regard to interacting with agents; he reserves judgment on other shenanigans). Conferences happen year-round and can be important events in our writerly lives.  Pay heed all those who enter: Jeff’s Guide to Conference Etiquette.

An Interview with Featured Artist Calan Ree

“…Stop worrying about what anyone thinks or whether it will sell or whether it’s good enough and just do it. The times in my life when I was only thinking about or stressing about making art and not actually finding the time to allow myself to create coincide with some of the worst times in my life. I think this is correlation and not coincidence.”

The Art of Trent Manning

By Trent Manning Dunce Cap Keepsake High Chair King of the Mountain She’s Got Her Father’s Eyes ============================================================================ Trent Manning is an award winning artist from FL who works with mixed media and recycled materials.

Kathleen Kirk

UNDERTOW by Kathleen Kirk Winslow Homer, Undertow (1886) Witnesses said I was dead. I did not gulp for air, did not part my lips. Who am I, and what do they know? There was the event, the newspaper report, and there is this man’s rendering. In the painting I am still reaching for one of your … [Read more…]

Kathleen Kirk

RENEWAL OF VOWS by Kathleen Kirk   We got down on our hands and knees, once, to sand the floors. I won’t say we’ve fallen out of love, or c’est la vie. Bonne chance to these naked backs, strong arms—so pale in the delicate leftover light of afternoon. Smell the sweat? The fine shavings, varnish unleashed … [Read more…]