
Tampa Review is the faculty-edited literary journal of The University of Tampa. We publish two print issues a year and also publish complementary work online throughout the year at Our editorial staff considers submissions between September 1 and December 31 each year for publication in print or online during the following year.

Please note: Tampa Review is CLOSED for regular submissions.

Tampa Review is open for submissions, including the Danahy Fiction Prize and Richard Mathews Poetry Prize, September 1 – December 31.

We only consider submissions made online through Submittable.
There is a small processing fee ($2 for poetry; $3 for prose) for online submissions.

Please click here for guidelines and to submit online to Tampa Review or to an annual prize.


Our payment for work accepted for the print edition of the journal is ten dollars per published page for both prose and poetry (payable upon publication), together with one free copy of the issue in which the work(s) appears, and a 40% discount on any additional copies you may wish to purchase.

Please note that prize entries appear as categories distinct from general poetry or fiction.

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