“Cooler than a museum, smarter than a theme park, and weirder than a carnival:” An Interview with Crab Devil Collective

For the 63/64 issue, we spoke to members of Crab Devil, an art collective based in Tampa, FL. Art Editor Leslie Vega’s interview is reproduced here: The Peninsularium is an immersive interactive art attraction that will undoubtedly draw the crowds. Crab Devil is adamant about bringing a sense of wonder and excitement to both locals … [Read more…]

63/64 Cover Reveal

The cover art, entitled Eve, is supplied by Valerie Lueth. Tampa Review 63/64 also features art by Janine Biunno, Alina Josan, and Anthony Record.

Tamar Mepe: a folk comic by Coyote Shook

Coyote Shook is a cartoonist, PhD candidate, and medieval mystic derailed by circumstance. Their writing and comics have appeared or are forthcoming in a range of Canadian and American literary magazines, including Tupelo Quarterly Review, LandLocked, Vox, The Portland Review, The Michigan Quarterly Review, The Puritan, Shenandoah, and various others. For more on their work, … [Read more…]