Angela Masterson Jones


by Angela Masterson Jones

some stories tell themselves

like skid marks on
a guardrail
        up and over

we’ve gotta talk
can flip a relationship
off another kind of bridge

while good news needs no intro

it can take a lifetime to shake
bad habits, mixed metaphors

and you
to my soul

are the one attachment, like a skiff [on dawn’s slick
horizon] pinned as much by tensile sky as silver sea
       to me


Angie's Headshot Jan. 2012Angela Masterson Jones recently received her Bachelor of Arts degree in creative writing with a minor in film studies, high honors, honors program, and the Excellence in Creative Writing Award from Eckerd College. The constituent relations assistant and college editor at her alma mater, she serves as staff adviser and college editor of Eckerd Review and on the advisory board of Spoonbill Cove Press. Her poetry and prose have received numerous awards and have appeared in New Millennium WritingsThe LyricEckerd ReviewSabalWriter’s DigestSt. Petersburg TimesBacopaPenumbraSaw PalmSunscripts, and other places. In 2010 her poems received first place in The Lyric College Poetry Contest and the Writers Alliance of Gainesville Poetry Contest, and her winning poem “At the Crossing” appeared in Bennington College’s online literary journal plain china: Best Undergraduate Writing 2010.

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