The Art of Sandra Gail Teichmann-Hillesheim

By Sandra Gail Teichmann-Hillesheim Home Place Under Snow (Flint Hills Country Road) Industrial Waste Meditation Nestling in Lace  Summer White ============================================================================ Sandra Gail Teichmann-Hillesheim is a writer and visual artist. Her books include Slow Mud, Killing Daddy, and Woman of the Plains. She is also a playwright, with Mockernut Street, Corinne, and Not Laughing produced. … [Read more…]

The Art of Neverne Covington

By Neverne Covington  Balancing Act  Dog Dream  Mapping Desire  To Emerge To Swoon ============================================================================ Neverne Covington’s drawings, prints, paintings, and sculpture explore childhood, language, landscape, memory, and the Gothic South. Her work has been exhibited at the Tampa Museum of Art, the Brevard Museum of Art, the State Capital and various venues throughout Florida, and … [Read more…]